Acorns Inspirations - No.4
Blake Harris
A brother in a million
Blake Harris. Remember the name.
Blake is a wonderful example of the ability to succeed, to overcome difficulties and to make a difference. And to demonstrate that unbreakable bond between siblings, a love that transcends difficulties, illness and loss.
In August 2021, 16 year old Blake got on his bike, accompanied by his friend Darren 'Daz' Cox. And he pedalled. Mile after mile. Starting from Acorns Children's Hospice in Worcester, he and Daz cycled over 100 miles to reach Weston Super Mare. A remarkable achievement for someone so young. As a keen cyclist, I remember my first 'Century' ride - and I was a lot older than 16! It is a long way to drive, or go on the train, let alone cycle that distance powered by your legs and your energy....but also in Blake's case, powered by his willpower and determination to do something positive. To set out to complete a challenge and raise money for Acorns, in memory of his younger sister, Lily-Mai, who sadly passed away in 2018 from a brain tumor aged only 7.
Acorns were there for Lily-Mai and gave her specialist end of life care at the Acorns for the Three Counties hospice in Worcester, supporting Lily-Mai's family through the most painful and difficult situation a parent, brother, sister, grandparent can ever have to face. I know how much Acorns support means. Their care before and after our daughter Milla passed away in 2016 has formed an unbreakable connection. Acorns is part of our family because they were such an important part in Milla's life and for us. That is why I continue to support and fundraise for Acorns.
And it is why I am constantly inspired by other fundraisers like Blake. who go the extra mile to raise money for Acorns and help them continue to provide care for life limited children across the West Midlands.
With Blake (right) and the bike he cycled over 100 miles on from Worcester to Weston Super Mare |
I met Blake together with his Mum, Liz, at Worcester Countryside Centre on a pleasant autumn afternoon. I had followed Liz's posts about Lily-Mai and then was very interested when I saw Blake was setting out to cycle from Worcester to Weston Super Mare in a day. And to see the incredible impact this very inspirational young man had - how the community rallied around and got behind his and Daz's challenge and raised a fantastic amount of money for Acorns.
Because, not only has Blake had to face the loss of his sister at a very young age (he was 13 at the time of Lily-Mai's passing), he also has to navigate life with his own challenges. Blake has autism, but has not let his condition affect his outlook on life.
Just ask Bear Grylls, who Blake has met quite a few times and spent some time with learning about survival skills in recognition of his support for Lily-Mai.
He is a young man with determination, but also resilience and as I discovered, once he has made his mind up to do something, he just gets on and does it - minimum fuss, maximum achievement. And that is an example we can all learn from and follow.
This is a transcript of my conversation with Blake and his Mum, Liz.
Tony (T), Blake (B), Liz (L)
T: Hi Blake, can you tell me, how did you hear about or how did you get involved with Acorns?
B: Through my little sister, Lily-Mai
T: How long did Lily go to Acorns for?
B: Er, a couple of years, maybe 4 years
T: So, why did you want to fundraise for Acorns?
B: Coz she passed....25th June, 2018
T: You wanted to remember your sister and support Acorns at the same time..
B: Yeah
L: And you wanted to say thank you to Acorns too
T: What did Acorns do for your sister, how did they support her?
B: They spoiled her!
T: Excellent, that's how it should be. And did you visit her when she was in Acorns?
B: A few times
T: They are always so welcoming and friendly aren't they? Did they always give you a cup of tea and a bit of cake?
B: Yeah
T: Can you tell me about the cycle challenge? How far did you go, where from and to and why did you come up with that idea?
B: Well, I came up with the idea of cycling to Weston as it was my little sister's favourite place
T: What did she like about Weston?
B: I guess it was because it was the beach....
L: And the rides
T: How far was that then?
B: We said it was 99 miles, but it was around 103. We started from Acorns
T: Did you get a send off from Acorns, did they come out and cheer you off?
B: Yeah
T: And you cycled with a friend?
B: Daz, Darren Cox
T: And did Daz say, 'ooh, that's a bit far...' or 'ok, no worries'?
B: He said no worries, coz it was for charity
T: Did you do any training?
B: Pretty much no, we just rode around the river a few times....
T: So, up the hills did you stick together or were you faster than Daz?
B: Daz went in front...Well, doing hiking you stick the slower ones at the front, so you don't speed off
T: How much did you raise do you know?
B: £1,330.15
L: That was what we fundraised on the (Justgiving) page and from standing outside on Weston Pier going, 'Do you want to donate?!' I think I raised about £90 just from standing there
T: Fantastic! So, how easy or difficult was it? Over 100 miles on your bike...with fat tyres!!
B: It was actually completely fine.
L: And all they'd eaten the entire day was a sausage roll!...I think Daz only had a coffee in McD
T: How was the weather?
B: It was fine, didn't rain
T: How did you feel at the end?
B: Fine to be fair, just really hungry
T: I'm sure. What did you eat to celebrate?
B: McDonalds!
L: He looked really proud of himself
T: So he should be
L: Exhausted, they both looked exhausted
T: OK, how did you raise the funds? Was it just sharing the page, or through your social media manager here (MUM!)
B: Pretty much. School helped (Nunnery Wood), they the school newspaper
L: I saw recently that Nunnery had raised money for Acorns, that's after your one, obviously you've inspired them to fundraise for Acorns as well
T: Yes, and that why I got involved to try to inspire at least one other person to say, I could do, have you got any more challenges planned?
B: Yeah, probably either next year or the year after, I want to cycle from Worcester to Birmingham Children's Hospital and then all the way back down to Weston Super Mare.
T: Wow, so that's around 150 miles then...on one sausage roll? You'd probably need two.
L: He's also thinking of doing the Three Peaks Challenge, but within a time limit, less than 24 hours, with somebody else who is good at that kind of stuff
T: I love hill walking, I've climbed Kilimanjaro and trekked to Everest base camp
B: That's another one I wanna do, but probably in 2023, 24.....I want to go all the way to the top
T: Of Everest? Good luck! On one sausage roll.....?
T: What's your message to anyone who wants to do a fundraising challenge, but hasn't yet?
B: Just do it! People should do more for charity.
T: I agree, we can all help somebody, can't we?
T: Is there anyone you'd like to thank?
B: Daz, for actually coming along with me. My Mum and Acorns.
Quick Fire Questions
1. Do you have any hobbies or interests?
Outdoors, scouting, football - playing (winger) and watching, X Box
2. Who do you support?
Manchester United
3. If you could have any food or dish cooked for you what would it be?
Italian - lasagne oh and I love BBQ food
4. Music?
I listen to pretty much anything, as long as it is not opera
5. If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, where would you go?
Somewhere hot...Dubai, love to go to Dubai...and America...Route 66 on a motorbike
6. What about the UK? Do you have a favourite place in the UK?
No, the weather's rubbish?....Jersey...coz it's slightly warmer
7. Is there anyone you would love to meet for a cup of tea and a slice of cake?
Dead or alive? Er....
(Liz: He has met Bear Grylls, through scouting, Bear is Chief Scout. First on a scout camp. A month before Lily-Mai died, Land Rover do a thing with Bear to find a hero and Blake's scout leader Anna is a Bear Grylls survival instructor. She works with Bear quite a lot. His PA asked Anna if she knew anybody who would fulfill that hero role Anna suggested Blake. So Land Rover got a car, decorated it in army camouflage, with Blake's name on it. We ended up going to the Hay Festival....Bear turned up in the car and met Blake and went off for an afternoon. There is a video on YouTube. (You can watch the video in the link below)
Blake meets Bear Grylls for a Survival Afternoon
This year Bear did a heroes day at his Bear Grylls event at the NEC, so we were invited along and met Bear again there. And this year Blake worked at the Bear Gryll's Go Wild festival, so he's met him quite a few time. He really inspires you doesn't he?
Bear Grylls and Blake during Blake's Land Rover Hero afternoon at the Hay Festival |
Blake - The other ones I'd like to meet are Khabib (Nurmagomedo) - he's a UFC fighter and does a lot for charity after he's retired. Er, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama because of what they have done for the world....oh and Arnie (Schwarzenegger)....oh, and I want to meet Ole Gunnar Solskjaer (Manchester United manager) and give him a few ideas, so we can win something!
8. Book, TV or Film you enjoy?
Peaky Blinders is my favourite.
Tony: OK. That brings us to the end. I'd like to say thanks so much for coming out to meet me and let me ask you some questions. Just from me, on behalf of Acorns, thanks again for all you've done. It's so impressive what you did, knowing now a bit more about why you did it and how you did - on one sausage roll, just jumping on your bike with fat tyres! That's amazing. Thanks again.
To donate to Blake's Justgiving page for Acorns in memory of Lily-Mai go to
Blake's Fundraising Page
Lily-Mai and Blake |