3 days to go. London is calling. The towns and villages of Worcestershire, Gloucestershire,Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Greater London await.
I have had word that the towns of Pershore, Evesham, Broadway, Moreton-in-Marsh, Chipping Norton, Bicester, Aylesbury, Tring, Hemel Hempstead and Watford are festooned in Scope colours, bunting strung gaily across high streets, the mayors collectively declaring a public holiday - schools closed - children with 'Go Frobi' flags ready to be waved vigorously as I speed past, eating up the miles.
Boris Johnson, the mayor of London is laying on a civic reception and has ordered a police escort all the way to Big Ben from the outer reaches of London. Yes, the UK is really getting behind my charity event.
Hang on. I think I might be confusing myself with Eddie Izzard (no, I don't wear stiletto heels and a dress for fun) or maybe those cycling celebs who cycled from John O'Groats to Lands End.
So no bunting, no civic reception, no Freedom of the Town of Pershore. How disappointing.
It looks like it will be just me, my bike, my trusted friend Simon in the support car and a energy draining headwind for company the 115 miles to London....and back. I must remember that London is ONLY HALF WAY!!!!
Weather Forecast
Saturday 24th April 2010 is forecast to be a lovely sunny day, with temperature of 18C. That sounds just the ticket for a smooth ride. But wait, the sting in the tail is that my old mate, the wind, is deciding to alter direction and instead of pushing me with a brisk northerly (as has been the case for the last week or so - just Google 'Volcanic Ash Cloud'), it will now present itself full force in my face in the shape of a southerly headwind. Oh great.
Wind, a light breeze perhaps to cool me as I sweat and toil, pedalling manically up the hills? Er, no. We are talking a steady 9 mp/h with GUSTS up to 27 mp/h!!!! That's near enough a hurricane.
I know a number of runners who are taking part in the marathon on Sunday. My uncle, my boss and friends from Kilimanjaro. I mean I climbed with them, they don't live or come form there.
As I said to one of them, Nurse Nikki Dennis, "When it starts to hurt, smile". I think I will be doing a lot of smiling on Saturday.
So, when Saturday comes and I rise at 5am to fuel up on porridge and set off at 6am please spare a thought for me. Look at the boughs of the trees bent double in the gales and blow positive thoughts my way.
I will do this challenge. I will overcome the obstacles in my way and a little bit of wind won't stop me; even if it slows me down.
My daughters, Louisa and Milla were 4 yesterday. Four years ago they were in an incubator, weighing 620g and 665g respectively. In another incubator their sister, Jewel (630g) fought for her life after being born two days before Louis and Milla. Jewel passed away after 17 days, taken by an infection causing respiratory collapse. Louisa and Milla, against all the odds, numerous operations, 6 months in hospital and so many challenges, made it.
4 years, 4 tough years. But they are here. Milla's cerebral palsy is a result of her premature birth. She continues to have a challenging and difficult life - being fed through a tube in her stomach, unable to walk, sit or talk. But she is always happy, always laughing and smiling.
For Louisa and for Milla, I will get to London on my bike and then turn round and come all the way back. This is for you girls.
Wish me luck and I'll blog after I arrive in London.
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