Hello my friends,
It's about time I kicked off my new regular blog posts.
For those of you who clicked the link based on the title above, far be it from me to titilate you into reading this with the lurid imagery I depicted, but I am afraid this is not a Jackie Collins 'bonk buster' novel, but my trials, tribulations and triumphs as a cyclist.
I am now in training mode for my next major cycling adventure. 400 hilly, nae mountainous miles in a lovely sweeping circle from Worcester to Dublin and back. Target date is sometime mid June next year (2011). Why June? Longer days, warm sunshine, beautiful countryside all around, lush green fields and fresh mountain air. With my luck it'll pour down for the week I am away and the most I'll see is the tailgate of an huge juggernaut as it thunders past and soaks me to the skin.....hang on. PMA please. Positive Mental Attitude. As long as your cycling doesn't clash with Wimbledon you'll be ok (always rains during Wimbledon)...sorry, what? Wimbledon is at the same time. Damn.
So, fresh from the month of Ramadhan, leaner by half a stone, raring to go I am viewing the first big training weekend. My good friend and erstwhile bedfellow, Simon Whitton, lives in Cardiff.
Clarification: by 'bedfellow' I mean we have had to, on occasion, share a bed whilst holed up in some hovel in the wilds of Pakistan or China when travelling. It was that or one of would have slept on the floor with the cockroaches for company. We kept a safe distance and a pillow between us and never topped and tailed.
For legal reasons, the above defence of our heterosexuality is called the 'The William Hague' defence.
Where was I...yes, Cardiff. Simon lives in the gloriously named district of SPLOTT, near the sea in Cardiff. By car we're talking an hour and a half to get to Cardiff from Worcester. But for my first training weekend I will be going by bike, via Hereford, Abergavenny, Caerphilly and Splott. Leaving on a Friday, coming back on the Monday. 75 miles each way.
The problem is not the distance, but the terrain. The Brecon Beacons lie between me and Simon and a good feed at the Merchi Indian Curry House. They may not be the Pyrenees or the Alps, but they are a stiff test for my 42 year old legs. I noted a few >> (very steep) chevrons on the map. Mercifully, most are down hill for me going to Cardiff. I'm sure Mondays return trip will be a real test of my climbing ability....or possibly ability to push a bike up a steep hill.
Whatever the terrain, the intention is to cover a good distance on the bike; have a cracking weekend in Simon's esteemed company (separate beds and indeed rooms - there's a relief; and no cockroaches too - bonus), fill our faces with succulent curry, nan and rice and build up some more bike stamina and fitness.
I'll take my camera and try to take a few interesting shots, probably me bent double over the bike, gasping for air and creating my very own street pizza with that morning's breakfast. Nice image.
Right must be getting on.
Thanks for reading and I'll be in touch soon when the creative juices start flowing again.
Mr Flaps / Tony Frobisher
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