To shave or not to shave? A dilemma of significant concern to me prior to my ride. D0 I shave or not?
Now, I am not talking facial shaving. A bit of stubble goes well with the bandana and sunglasses look.
No, I am talking down below. No, not there you smutty oiks, further down below. The legs, the shins, calves, knees and thighs.
Ask any true Scotsman what he wears under his kilt and the answer should be an unequivocal 'nothing' (In fact a friend of mine has just climbed up Kilimanjaro in his kilt - it's Ok, he has already had his children). Ask any true cyclist to show you his legs and they will be as smooth as a freshly laid silk sheet, not a whisker, hair or tuft in sight.
Why? Well, any cyclist has experienced a brief meeting with Mr. Tar Mac - accidents happen and there is nothing worse than getting cut legs, scraped knees and trying to clean them when they are full of dirt, small stones, thorns etc.
This is my dilemma. If I shave I will have the legs of Cameron Diaz and the chest and back of Robin Williams. Summer running in running vests always strikes fear in me (and the population of Worcester) as a 'Yeti on Holiday' picture could appear in the Worcester News.
I suppose as I shave my head, I could go for the 2 for 1 deal and do the legs at the same time.
All I need to do then is to book in for the colonic irrigation, the chemical peel and the BS&C....back, sack and crack. Video never to be published.
Good night, sleep tight.
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